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You are not alone,
we are here to help!

Welcome to Northern Utah Sexual Assault and Forensic Examiners (NUSAFE or NUSANE)

NUSANE (Northern Utah Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners)
Our mission

To provide free of charge, personalized, trauma-informed, forensic medical assessments for adolescent and adult victims of sexual assault, domestic/interpersonal violence with strangulation for the citizens of the Weber, Morgan, Box Elder, and Davis counties. 

Our Services

NUSAFE provides care to victims, collects evidence in collaboration with law enforcement, administers prophylactic medications for sexually transmitted infections, makes referrals as needed for medical care and other follow-up referrals. 

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If you have been sexually assaulted or have suffered interpersonal violence/domestic violence, you have three options:


Contact NUSAFE

Contact NUSAFE for counsel and services at our 24 hours/day helpline:


Law Enforcement

Contact your local law enforcement agency or the department where the crime occurred.


Your Local Hospital

Respond to your local hospital’s emergency department for assistance if you have sustained life-threatening injuries, such as strangulation, bleeding, head injury or trauma, abdominal pain, respiratory distress, fractures, severe pain or pregnancy.

If you are in a life-threatening situation, call 9-1-1 


Please direct non-emergency questions and concerns to our email or call our non-emergencies office number (801) 436-1075 

At NUSAFE, you will find a safe space and supportive, confidential, and respectful guidance before, during, and after the examination. 
All patients will be triaged and assessed with safety and care being the foremost priority.

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Contact NUSAFE for counsel and services at our 24 hours/day helpline:



© 2023 by NUSAFE | Northern Utah Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners.


This project  was supported in part by the Utah Office for Victims of Crime, awarded by the [Office on  Violence Against Women] or [Office for Victims of Crime], U.S. Department of Justice. The  opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this  publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the  views of the U.S. Department of Justice or the Utah Office for Victims of Crime.”

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